I’m getting a weird Docker error when trying to run my container on an endpoint. Note that the container does work when running the pre-release command. I’m sure it’s a bug on my side, but the logging I see in the output isn’t helpful. Perhaps you can give me more context? Here’s what I see when I try to add the endpoint or restart it via the CLI:
ERROR -- : SUMMARY: Execution failed because of:
ERROR -- : - FAILED: Wait up to 180s for containers in service cmd to respond to HTTP health checks
WARN -- :
WARN -- : WARNINGS: The following warnings or errors were logged during execution, review them now:
ERROR -- : 2 of 1 HTTP health checks failed
ERROR -- : Container for cmd (running [...]) failed to start (exited with status 1 after 0 seconds).
ERROR -- : standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error
ERROR -- : For more information, review: https://deploy-docs.aptible.com/docs/http-health-checks-failed/