hi, i’m looking at this doc page: Domain Apex ALIAS
it says: “If given these tradeoffs you still want to set up an ALIAS record directly to your Aptible Deploy Endpoint, please contact Aptible Support for instructions.”
I would like to set up an ALIAS record directly to my server-prod app. I’m using Cloudflare. Thanks.
For DNS providers that allow creating an ALIAS
to an arbitrary target, like Cloudflare, you can create the record to point your apex domain at the Endpoint’s hostname (elb-xxx.aptible.in
AWS Route 53 is the main DNS provider that you have contact support for since it only allows ALIAS
records to target AWS resources. In order to create an ALIAS
to an Endpoint in Route 53, you have to set the target to the hostname of the AWS Load Balancer that backs the Endpoint, which we can look up upon request.